Skill Library


Commonly used robot (or peripheral machine) operations/skills are encapsulated within Skill classes, so they can be easily used either stand-alone or within a FlexBe state. An abstract base skill is also defined.

Common guidelines for developing skills are:

  1. Skills should accept a robot object and peripheral objects as inputs, and only optionally instantiate them if not provided

  2. Skills should make minimal assumptions about the state of the environment

  3. Skills should prefer to take the Vision system’s Detection objects as inputs

  4. Higher-level skills may include execution of several primitive skills (e.g. the Move skill consists of Pick-up and Drop skills)

All skills inherit from BaseSkill and every skill is called with the on_enter method

##Available skills The list of available skills, their descriptions and input arguments is below:

Class/Method Overview

Class: BaseSkill

Abstract base class for all skills, defining the framework for skill execution.

  • __init__: Initializes the skill with keyword arguments.

  • on_enter_pddl_: Passes arguments from PDDL to the skill’s on_enter.

  • on_enter: Abstract method, must be implemented by subclasses.

Class: ChangeTool

Handles robot tool changing.

Class: SkillExecutionResult

Data class to store the result of skill execution, including success status and any modified variables.

Class: CheckClampedObjectPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for verifying if an object is clamped securely for further operations.

Class: CheckClampedObject

Skill for checking if an object is securely clamped in the CNC machine.

Function: find_hekatron_rotation

Determines the orientation of the clamped object.

Function: move_to_look_pose

Moves the robot to a position for inspecting the object.

Function: move_back

Returns the robot to its initial position after inspection.

Class: CNCCutSmokeDetectorPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for cutting a smoke detector using a CNC machine.

  • __init__: Initializes the skill name and arguments.

  • pddl_init: Sets up the PDDL problem, defining actions and their preconditions.

  • pddl_loop: Continuously updates the PDDL environment during operation.

Class: ChangeRobotToolPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for robot tool changing.

  • __init__: Defines the tool-changing logic and arguments for the PDDL environment.

  • pddl_init: Modifies the PDDL problem to reflect robot-tool relations.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamically updates the PDDL problem during execution.

Class: DrillBatteryContacts

  • __init__: Initializes the skill for drilling battery contacts.

Class: DropObjectPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for dropping an object with a robot.

  • __init__: Defines the action name, arguments, and description.

  • pddl_init: Adds actions for dropping an object at a location.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamically updates the PDDL environment during execution

Class: JMoveAboveTable

Moves a robot with an eye-in-hand camera to a location above a table.

  • __init__: Loads the pose database.

  • on_enter: Moves the robot to a specific location.

Class: DrillBatteryContactsPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for drilling battery contacts.

  • __init__: Initializes the skill for drilling with descriptions and arguments.

  • pddl_init: Sets up the PDDL problem for drilling.

  • pddl_loop: Updates the problem dynamically during execution

Class: ExceptionHandlingSkillWrapper

Provides exception handling and retry mechanisms for skills.

  • on_enter: Re-executes a skill if a failure is detected.

  • vision_loop: Runs a vision-based loop to check object detection and execute recovery actions

Function: perform_DMP

Performs a dynamic movement primitive (DMP) using either joint or Cartesian space.

  • perform_DMP: Loads and executes a DMP trajectory on a robot. Supports both joint and Cartesian trajectories

Class: SelectCameraPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for selecting a camera.

  • __init__: Defines the camera selection skill and maps camera names to topics.

  • pddl_init: Adds camera objects and actions to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamically updates the PDDL problem during execution.

Class: ClampPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for clamping an object.

  • __init__: Defines the clamping skill.

  • pddl_init: Sets up actions for clamping in the PDDL environment.

  • pddl_loop: Continuously updates the PDDL environment.

Class: UnclampPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for unclamping an object.

  • __init__: Defines the unclamping skill.

  • pddl_init: Adds actions for unclamping in the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamically updates the PDDL problem

Class: DropObject

A skill for dropping an object at a specified location.

  • __init__: Loads configuration for drop locations and initializes the robot.

  • on_enter: Moves the robot to the drop location and drops the object.

Class: EstimateBatteryContactPose

Estimates the position for drilling battery contacts.

  • on_enter: Detects battery contacts and generates drill points for drilling.

Class: DrillTask

A data class for representing drilling tasks.

  • __post_init__: Ensures that valid drilling parameters are provided.

Class: KaloRemotusOpening

A skill for opening the KaloRemotus smoke detector using the QB VSA gripper.

  • __init__: Initializes the skill with specific robot object and gripper parameters.

  • on_enter: Executes the process of opening the smoke detector.

Class: QBKaloDisassembly

A class that contains all the steps needed to open the KaloRemotus smoke detector.

  • step_1_move_to_init: Moves the robot to the initial position.

  • step_2_cartesian: Switches to Cartesian control and moves the robot to a specific pose.

  • step_3_detect_gap: Detects the gap in the smoke detector using force control.

  • step_4_rotate_while_pushing_down: Rotates the tool while applying downward force.

  • step_5_rotate_vertical: Rotates the tool to a vertical position.

  • step_6_B: Pushes into the smoke detector while rotating

Class: Levering

Skill for levering out a PCB from an HCA object.

  • __init__: Initializes the levering skill with action arguments and description.

  • get_valid_args_regex: Returns a valid regex for PDDL arguments based on object classes.

  • pddl_init: Static method to modify the PDDL environment.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamic method to update the PDDL problem

Class: LeveringPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for the levering skill.

  • __init__: Initializes the PDDL action for levering with robot object, location, and object arguments.

  • pddl_init: Adds the levering action and its preconditions to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamically updates the PDDL environment

Class: LinearPneumaticCuttingPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for using a pneumatic guillotine-style cutter.

  • __init__: Defines the action for removing a battery from a PCB by cutting, with pose and type arguments.

  • pddl_init: Adds a cutting action and preconditions for location and object to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Continuously updates the PDDL environment during execution

Class: PinpushPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for pushing a pin out of an object.

  • __init__: Defines the action for pushing a pin from an object with robot object, location, and type arguments.

  • pddl_init: Adds the pin-pushing action with its preconditions to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamically updates the PDDL problem

Class: RobotHomingPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for homing a robot.

  • __init__: Initializes the homing action with a robot object argument.

  • pddl_init: Adds the homing action and its effects to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Continuously updates the PDDL environment during execution

Class: MoveObjectPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for moving an object to a new location.

  • __init__: Defines the action for moving an object with robot, location, and object arguments.

  • pddl_init: Adds the move action and preconditions to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Updates the PDDL environment dynamically

Class: LookAtTable

Skill for moving a robot object with an eye-in-hand camera to inspect a table.

  • __init__: Initializes the skill with a TF manager and configuration file.

  • on_enter: Moves the robot to look at a specific table and subframe.

Class: RobotHoming

Skill for homing a robot.

  • on_enter: Moves the robot to its home position.

  • execute: Placeholder for execution.

  • on_exit: Placeholder for exiting the skill

Class: PickupDetectorTop

Skill for picking up a smoke detector object using a robot’s gripper.

  • __init__: Initializes the skill with robot parameters, gripper settings, and movement configuration.

  • on_enter: Moves the robot to pick up the smoke detector based on the provided object class and location.

Class: PickupObject

Skill for picking up objects with a robot gripper.

  • __init__: Initializes the pickup skill with robot settings, offset, and controller options.

  • on_enter: Executes the pick-up sequence based on object class, location, and robot settings.

Class: UnscrewingPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for the unscrewing skill.

  • __init__: Initializes the action for unscrewing with robot object and object type arguments.

  • pddl_init: Adds the unscrewing action and its preconditions to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Dynamically updates the PDDL environment during execution

Class: TurnObjectPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for the turn object skill.

  • __init__: Defines the action for turning an object with a robot object, location, and type arguments.

  • pddl_init: Adds the turning action and preconditions to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Updates the PDDL environment dynamically during execution

Class: WigglingBatteryRemovalPDDLWrapper

PDDL wrapper for the wiggling battery removal skill.

  • __init__: Initializes the action for removing a battery by wiggling it free using a robot.

  • pddl_init: Adds the battery removal action and its preconditions to the PDDL problem.

  • pddl_loop: Continuously updates the PDDL environment during operation

Class: VisualServoing

Skill for using visual servoing to adjust the robot’s position based on feedback from a vision system.

  • __init__: Initializes the visual servoing skill with a robot object and vision system settings.

  • on_enter: Centers the robot’s camera on a detected object and adjusts positioning.

  • step: Takes a step to move the robot based on object detection.

  • get_positioning_error: Calculates the positioning error between the camera and the object

Class: FlipObject

Skill for flipping an object using a robot.

  • __init__: Initializes the flipping skill with robot parameters and controller settings.

  • on_enter: Moves the robot into position to flip the object.

  • robot_flip_object: Contains the logic for flipping an object with the robot

Class: Unscrewing

Skill for unscrewing a screw using a robot.

  • __init__: Initializes the unscrewing skill with robot settings, controller options, and movement parameters.

  • on_enter: Moves the robot into position to unscrew a screw.

Class: WigglingBatteryRemoval

Skill for removing a battery by wiggling it out using a robot.

  • __init__: Initializes the wiggling battery removal skill with a TF manager.

  • on_enter: Detects a battery using a vision system and removes it by wiggling.

  • rocking_grasp_object: Grasp and perform rocking motions to wiggle a battery free.

  • wiggle_motion: Performs the actual wiggling motion with the robot.

  • rocking_complete_callback_based_on_position: Callback function to detect if rocking has successfully dislodged the battery based on position change.

  • rocking_complete_callback_based_on_force: Callback function to detect rocking success based on force feedback